Friday, February 6, 2009

We Won in the House, Now Tell the Senate to ACT NOW!

From YDA:

Our values and our future are on the line. Millions of young Americans have lost their job, home, savings, and livelihood. We are facing the worst economic crisis since World War II. And if we don't act soon, it will get even worse.

In the midst of this unprecedented crisis, we need unprecedented action. Action that will not only jump start our economy now, but invest in critical programs that will pay off for years, and generations, to come. And there is no time to waste.

Last week, the House of Representatives approved President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a bill designed to help put money in the hands of working Americans to get our economy back on track.

As soon as tonight, the Senate will vote on this important bill and we need your help NOW to pass this crucial legislation.

The bill isn't perfect; responses to a crisis of this scale never are. Critics have focused on a handful of programs that represent less than a half of one percent of the bill's cost. And - irony alert -- Republicans make accusations of wasteful spending without acknowledging that, on their watch, tax cuts for the rich and a mismanaged war created a far greater burden.

This bill has huge implications for young people. From unemployment insurance to investing in renewable energy, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is designed to safeguard our economic future.

The House of Representatives' bill included the new American Opportunity Tax Credit, which offers a tax credit of up to $2,500 for the cost of tuition and related expenses as well as increases the Pell grant maximum and additional funding for work study. Astonishingly, some Senators want to cut this important higher education funding and tax credits. Be sure to urge your Senators to not only pass this bill but to keep these important programs. After all, what could provide more stimulus to our economy now and in the future than helping young people pay for the rising cost of a college education, proven to increase income throughout our lifetime?

The cost of doing too little outweighs the extraordinary cost of getting us out of this economic crisis. Congress must act now to pass this important legislation and get our economy moving again. Urge your Senators to ACT NOW to pass this critical legislation.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act creates good-paying jobs, cuts taxes for working families and makes responsible investments in our future. This plan will help create or save four million jobs, including an entire generation of green jobs that will make public and private investments in renewable energy and make American more energy efficient. And the bill ensures unprecedented transparency, oversight and accountability so that Americans can see not only how their money is being spent, but also the results of their investments.

Learn more about how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will help your state here. You can also read President Obama's plan and remarks on ARRP.

As young Americans and as Young Democrats we must ACT NOW to urge our Senators to work for our best interest in restoring America's prosperity. This important legislation cannot wait. Our economic future is too important to be yet another political football, we urge bi-partisan support for this crucial bill.

We look forward to keeping you updated on the progress of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as the legislation progresses through Congress. Please help us broaden our impact by forwarding this email to five friends today!