Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One Million to Thank Obama

From YDA:

Today, we witnessed history as Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States.

We are lucky to have an ally like President Obama in the White House. To him, change and hope and progress are a way of life, not just a slogan. He made an unprecedented commitment to involving young people in politics and now it's our turn to say thank you.

We want one million young voters to say thank you. SIGN NOW!

Today was not the only historic moment for us though. On November 4th, we witnessed a historic shift in the electorate, as Millennials turned out in force and changed politics for a generation.

The Young Voter Revolution continues. All of the energy and momentum we saw across the country, up and down the ballot, was just the beginning. We learned an important lesson though - we have to made our presence known and felt in big numbers to change the conventional wisdom.

Now it's time to prove 2008 is a trend, not a fluke. We need to show the world that young voters will be engaged on key policy issues in the months to come and over the next four years. We need to show we are a political powerhouse.

We want one million young voters to prove that the Young Voter Revolution continues! SIGN TODAY!

And take a moment to thank yourself. YOU - and millions of your friends - made this moment possible. PASS IT ON and keep the momentum going