As the Fourth of July draws near, it is natural for Americans to commemorate the United States, and marvel at the beauty of our democracy. Whether it takes the form of cold beer, grilled burgers, or mortars, American's unite on the Fourth for what is ostensibly a celebration of freedom and a renewed commitment to patriotism.
For some Americans, however, Old Glory waving and trumpets blaring makes them uncomfortable. Some Americans feel a tad reserved with this wave of patriotic display, for various reasons. For Democrats, especially, there is often a powerful association of fireworks and picnic blankets with the GOP.
This wariness is often unnecessary. You may, and should, feel proud to be an American, and a progressive American at that. It's alright to join in at the rendition of the National Anthem. This doesn't preclude you from reflecting on the atrocities of Abu Grahib. March in the small-town parade; next month, you can march on in opposition to the Iraq war. Indulge in your blueberry pie and all the warm & fuzzy American feeling it embodies.
Patriotism should never be equated with complacency. Rather, patriotism is recognizing and attempting to remedy America's flaws. Patriotism is fully present in a critical, democratic citizenry. If only perfect governments merited patriotic sentiments, the world would be a treacherous lot.
Use your voice and embrace your freedom this July 4th; that is, while it lasts...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
On patriotism
Posted by Talitha at 7:20 PM
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