While surfing the web over the weekend, google, in its infinite wisdom, popped up with this sponsored link:
Where is the Red?
It seems that the College Republicans are making a last ditch effort to seem relevant. A team (squadron?) of them are driving across the country to prove that one could drive from coast to coast without ever leaving a Republican held seat. If you check their map, it seems they're going to try to go to Topeka, because they describe Kansas as a "Republican stronghold". Have they checked the map lately? First, I'd like to see how they're going to reach Topeka without touching the Kansas Second or Third, not to mention the many democratic seats in Missouri. Second, this state hasn't been such a stronghold lately, if you look at, oh say, the Governor's mansion, or recent polling. But god knows, Republicans have never let facts stop a good PR event.
What's more telling is that the CR national committee thought in a summer of record gas prices the best way to connect with real young voters would be to drive across the country. Who, exactly, is paying for this little joyride? Exxon? I can promise you that our YD national committee will never do something so facetious. To start with, they have jobs. Now, to be fair these are college republicans, but still, most of us had to work during the summer months, not take off on extravagant road-trips. More importantly, our national committee is focused on winning this fall, not making YouTube videos of their best Kerouac impersonations.
But I encourage this little excursion by the College Republicans. I hope they've got a violin with them, because they're fiddling while Rome is burning.
PS: How are they going to navigate California? Probably by avoiding all minorities.
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