Last week (Aug 5 - 9) I was in Chicago, IL for the 2009 Young Democrats of America National Convention. Aside from being in an awesome city and being around tons of young people with similar beliefs, the convention proved to be an incredible learning and networking experience. YDA is more than a social club it is a respectable organization dedicated to motivating young people and making them a more powerful political force Nation wide. YDA achieves this through various training sessions offered throughout the week and bringing in great speakers like Dr. Howard Dean. During the week thousands of Democrats (young and old) gathered in Chicago to attend the great training sessions and see the speakers. The training sessions offered at the YDA convention ranged from sessions on "Community Organizers Running for Office" to "Finance 101 and Finance 202". As a result of the top notch training many young democrats returned to their states ready to work and better trained to make a difference (full list of training sessions at the end of post).
Kansas Delegation list: Tyler Longpine, Colin Curtis (me), Skye Coleman, Chris Terry, Jamie Epstein, Chelsea Mertz, John Moreau, Merriam Langdon, Erin Doughty, Ben Cohen, Andrew Rickel, Amar Gupta, Molly McGuire, Andrew Mertz, Shane Gagnebin, Jimelle Austin, Anthony Martinez. Part of the Kansas delegation is pictured below
What we have to work on: -The number of local YDA chapters created online has skyrocketed in the past few years, but our ability to engage those new chapters has not kept up with our growth. -YDA Partnership Programs, until recently, have only worked with State Organizations – leaving the creativity and passion of local chapters out of our national organization and the best practices and campaign resources of the national organization away from local chapters. -Many local chapters do not feel connected to the national organization, each other, or the broader youth movement, limiting our collective effectiveness. -YDA’s technological infrastructure is inefficient and can not sustain the growth of YDA. Our local chapters feel the pain of this inadequacy when trying to perform general administrative duties and while communicating with their members. How we will make YDA work better: -Make sure YDA has an operational online membership management system for all local chapters. Invest in a peer-to-peer partnership program for the 2009 elections in Virginia that provides opportunities for all chapters around the country to develop young voter contact skills to be utilized in their states for the 2010 elections. -Continue to expand the partnership programs to local chapters and caucuses in order to get YDA resources on the ground. -Rely on the creativity and ingenuity of our local chapters and their leadership when it comes to creating programming.
Pictured: YDA Works team (left to right) Rod Snyder, Executive Vice President, Renee Hartley, First VP, Isaac Robinson, Second VP, Colmon Elridge, Third VP, Emily Robinson, Secretary, Mark Newman, Treasurer and at the podium is Crystal Strait, President.
Community Organizer Large Training Tracks: -Community Organizers Running for Office So you think you want to run for office? Come learn exactly what it takes; from the initial gut check, to developing a campaign plan, to actually getting out the vote for yourself. Hear from Young Democrats from across the country that have run campaigns like this and/or have been elected to office themselves. -Community Organizers Take On Election Reform We can continue to increase youth turnout by removing certain barriers from our elections. Learn about same day voter registration, online registration, changing the voter registration age, and early voting- and how to get these things in your states. -Community Organizers Take On Global Warming It’s a great day to go green. It’s time for young people to lead the discussion on why global warming and the environment is an issue and how we plan to lead the charge. Learn everything from current and new technologies, to green, sustainable jobs. It's time to discuss how federal policy and energy initiatives directly affect young people and our communities and how we can be effective in communicating these new ideas! -Community Organizers Take On Higher Education With less than 25% of young people in college it's time we make Higher Education a frontline issue. Learn about the access and affordability barriers students are facing, and legislation around the issue. -Community Organizers Hit The Field Learn everything about field plans, how we utilize the peer to peer model, and how to manage your volunteers during a campaign. -Community Organizers Utilize New Media and Online Organizing We don’t just tweet to tweet. Learn about new media outlets, organizing online, and how to build new media into a coordinated campaign plan. -Community Organizers Take on Healthcare Over 15 Million young people are uninsured. Healthcare reform is a main issue right now in our communities and within government. Learn how you can represent the youth voice and ensure you are insured. -Community Organizers Take on Marriage Equality Marriage Equality is the civil rights battle of our time. Learn how we can pass marriage equality in every state and how to keep the momentum for this issue going strong! -Community Organizers Take On Housing We have all heard about the crisis in the housing and lending industries, but what does it all mean? Demystify the housing issue, how we found ourselves in this situation, and how it is affecting young people. -Community Organizers Take on Redistricting 2010 is almost here and that means we can gain or lose Democratic districts. Learn how we can ensure congressional districts are drawn fairly and how we can mobilize young people and Democrats in these districts during an election. Round Table Discussions and Briefings: -YDA 101: New Member Orientation New to YDA? Come find out a little bit about our history, our structure, what peer to peer is, and how the convention works. Meet YDA leaders, staff, and other new members like yourself and find out how to get more involved. -Dream Act Learn about the thousands of undocumented students in this country and the obstacles they face around Higher Education. We will discuss current legislation as well as grass roots advocacy that can be taken within your communities to ensure access and affordable education for ALL students. -Foreign Policy Learn what issues young Democrats are facing on a global scale and how we can take a stance on foreign policy and partner with young Democratic leaders from around the world. Discussion Groups on Chapter Building Starting a new chapter or simply want to grow your existing chapter? Brainstorm with your fellow chapter members and leaders: different leadership and meeting structures, best practices on recruitment and retention, and how to mobilize your chapter for YDA within your communities. -Finance 101 and Finance 202 101: Learn the basics of fundraising and developing a workable finance plan for your chapter. 202: Put your fundraising trainings and best practices into action. Learn about Call Time and practice actual fundraising with your peers. -Writing a Voter Registration Plan Before we can begin turning out the vote for Democrats we have to make sure they’re registered! Learn how to write a voter registration plan that you and your chapter can enact in your communities. -Religion in Politics Engage in discussions with fellow Young Democrats of ways that religion intersects with politics. -Demopolis 101 and Demopolis 202 101: Become more familiar navigating yourself around the site and all the ways it can benefit your chapter. Learn how to manage your lists, send out eblasts, and how to set up events. 202: Learn how to set up targeted actions, advocacy campaigns, petitions, and LTEs -Community Service this Summer Summit Learn how to get your chapter signed up for a National Day of Service project and who you can partner with to make sure your community benefits from your service project. -How to Get on the 6 o'clock News and Look Good Get interviewing techniques from a former CNN producer on how you can get yourself on the news and look good. -So You Want To Host A Meeting? So you think you want to host a YDA meeting, conference, or convention? Well we want you to as well, but we want you to know what you’re getting yourself into! Come to this training and hear from state and local chapter leaders that have hosted a meeting and see exactly what it takes.
Pictured: YDA Political Director Hailey Snow leading the new member orientation.
Pictured: Two great people who made sure the convention ran smoothly. YDA's own Hailey Snow and Katie Ford
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