Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Slattery makes it Official

Jim Slattery has four stops in Kansas today: Topeka, Overland Park, Kansas City, and Wichita. At each, his speech begins, "My name is Jim Slattery and I am running for the United States Senate."

Slattery's reason for candidacy:

  • The future of our economy is unstable and uncertain.
  • Our reliance on foreign oil has created a national security crisis -- and a budget crisis for Kansas families.
  • And our nation is engaged in a tragic and costly war.

The bulk of Slattery's words focused his statement, "We can do better. We must do better." Unlike many politicians, only three simple promises were made:

  • I will be an independent voice for Kansas in the U.S. Senate
  • I will always put the people of Kansas ahead of any political party.
  • And, I will use every ounce of God-given energy and strength to address the problems facing our country.

Slattery contests incumbent Pat Roberts, a career politician who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee and is responsible for U.S. military involvement in Iraq.