Tuesday, January 15, 2008

KYD Presidential Appointment Application 2008

KYD Presidential Appointment Application 2008
Due to by March 2, 2008, 5pm CST



Home Phone: Work: Cell:


Date of Birth:

Can you commit to attending three State Committee meetings a year?

Position Sought:

If there is a position you wish to apply for that does not currently exist, please attach additional sheets as needed to give the title and description for the position you think should be created.

Please answer the following questions, each in 150 words or less.

1. Describe your activities with local, state, and national Young Democrats.

2. What experience do you have that qualifies you for the office you are seeking?

3. Why are you seeking this position and what do you want to gain from the experience?

4. What particular goals do you want to accomplish if selected for this office?

Please attach a short (1-2 pages) resume highlighting relevant experience in political and non-political fields.


Each committee has a Chair and Vice Chair (with the exception of Credentials which only has a Chair). The Chair of the each of the Standing Committees is a voting member of the State Committee.

Membership Committee
The committee shall develop an annual written plan for presentation to the executive committee designed to help chartered chapters increase and keep active members by providing resources and assistance when possible, and for expanding the membership of the Kansas Young Democrats.

Constitution and Rules Committee
The committee shall review and report on all proposed amendments to this constitution, shall set the rules governing the election of officers at the state convention, providing those rules are not contrary or in derogation to this constitution, and shall decide on any question presented to it by the chair regarding the rules, parliamentary procedure, balloting, or other questions excluding credentials challenged.

Platform and Policy Committee
The committee shall present to the state convention for approval a platform for the Kansas Young Democrats which shall not exceed 5,000 words, and shall at all times though resolutions, promote to the Executive and State Committee and the various chapters issues and polices for the Kansas Young Democrats.

Credentials Committee
The committee shall have jurisdiction over the credentialing and chartering of chapters and delegates at the state convention, and any State Committee meetings.

Campaign and Elections Committee
The committee shall submit to the State Committee for approval in even numbered years a campaign plan for the organization, maintain a dialogue between the people of this state and the Democratic Party, and shall conduct an intensive voter registration campaign on an annual basis.