Thursday, December 11, 2008

And Just When You Thought Elections Were Over

Municipal election season begins.

Taggart Wall, 19, a Winfield resident and Southwestern College student, has filed for candidacy in the upcoming City Commission race. Most people agree that 2008 was not a great year for the KDP, however Young Democrats did fairly well. In addition to retaining our incumbents, we gained Milack Talia (KHD 23), Mike Slattery (KHD 24), and Sean Gatewood (KHD 57). Looking towards 2009, maybe we can pick up a couple more elected YDs.

In Lawrence, Jacob Beaumont has formed IMpac, or the Independent Moderate Political Action Committee, with the goal that “moderate and progressive candidates that will move Lawrence and Douglas County forward in a responsible manner, independent of special interests and personal agendas.” In short, he hopes to recruit candidates for each of the three city council seats up for election this spring.

We here at the Burro Blog are excited as the 2009 election heats up.