Friday, December 28, 2007

Rock the Caucus in Iowa

The Young Voter PAC is looking for volunteers to travel to Iowa to help make sure that college students are not being disenfranchised on Jan. 3rd. We need volunteers to go to Iowa City, Des Moines, and Grinnell. The Young Voter PAC is offering out of state Iowa college students free hotel rooms and reimbursement for traveling expenses to ensure that they come back to caucus. As volunteers all you will have to do is be at a designated pick up location so these students can stop and pick up their checks from the Yong Voter PAC. You also will be sent to caucuses with high youth concentrations to make sure that they are being allowed to caucus. This is a great opportunity to see how the caucus system works!

We will leave for Iowa on January 2nd and return to Kansas on January 4th. If you are interested in volunteering please contact me at the information provided above.